COVID Vaccine: Part II

 Last week I wrote COVID Vaccine: Part I

This is Part II

January 6, 2021

I drove about 20 miles to Fairfield Middle School for the vaccination clinic. It was heavily staffed; a screener at the door, asking my appointment time and if I have any symptoms, I next went to the check in table, then to a queue area where no one was in the queue but I was then directed to table 10 and instructed to wait at the cone, as I would be next. There were people waiting in chairs around the room, and tons of staff. I wanted to take a picture but did not want to violate anyone's privacy. After a few screening questions, I got my shot and was sent to the waiting area for 15 minutes to make sure I did not have an adverse reaction. There were two nurses there, and chairs 6 feet apart. The room was silent when I arrived but after a few minutes some people ran into colleagues and started chatting. The time I was allowed to leave was written on a post-it. All together I was there 30 minutes. Such a smooth, well run operation! 

I first took this picture because I liked how it lined up with the flags, but this is not a flattering angle! 


In the car and ready to take on the world! 

January 7, 2021
My arm was really sore, more sore than I remember from other vaccines, but nothing that stopped me from doing anything! I put some muscle rub on it, and tried to move it around and stretch. 

January 8+
My arm was not sore at all, and no other side effects at all! I still feel extremely lucky and grateful to have access to the vaccine. I know this will not really have a great impact on my behavior in the coming months but it does bring a level of peace of mind. I still take it very seriously and don't want to tempt fate! 
I had thought about waiting to schedule my follow up, but thinking slots might fill up fast, I went ahead and booked a slot and can check back later to see if other locations are more convenient. Even in 4 weeks, there are no sites closer than 14 miles away. 

Stay well my friends. 

The story continues here....COVID Vaccine: Part III 


  1. Thanks Monica! I am so glad you had a good experience.

    1. Thank you for reading Pam! I'm so glad you had your first dose and a smooth experience too!


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