Blogger for hire!

 I can't believe it, I can't believe how some of the very things I hoped for have come to be. Life isn't all cupcake and rainbows, but if it were we wouldn't appreciate the cupcakes and rainbows as much! 

2020 has been a nutty year for everyone. I have never been more eager to start a new year, as I was leaving my 8 year long career as a county employee to jump out on my own. I knew the path was not paved, but we were sufficiently comfortable with the risk. I had a long list of productive things I would do when the kids were at school, if my actual work was slow. Everything was wonderful for two months. Then the kids came home, and didn't leave, and suddenly it felt impossible to think clearly, to compose, to process. There was the pandemic to worry about, there was my children's wellbeing, and my husband's, and every other worry every American has felt over the last 8 months. I used to treasure a good, slow morning, but in February I signed on as a VIPKID teacher, teaching children in China English. With the 12 hour time difference, and be being a natural early bird, it made sense for me to teach in the mornings. Lucky for me, my bookings took off and poof just like that my slow mornings were gone. 

I missed writing but couldn't seem to work it in. I was already getting up in the 5 AM hour, and couldn't think about getting up earlier, I couldn't concentrate during the day with the kids home and needing time and attention, and at night, forget about it, my brain is mush and I am too easily side-tracked. 

In August I stopped teaching at night and in September I stopped teaching on the weekends, effectively reclaiming some of my time. In late September, I was in a Zoom staff meeting for my new agency, and the owner talked about wanting to start a blog, and asked that we let her know if anyone was interested in writing for it. I didn't write in right away, was I ready? Was I ready for others to read my writing with a critical eye? Was I up for possible disappointment? My writing is so personal, I pour my whole self into it, could I handle a rejection in an already emotional year? Cue all of the memes about personal development, challenges and accomplishments and I took the leap, I shared my personal blog with them, and shared some ideas I had for their blog. Just like that I am published elsewhere and even got a commission for it! 

Now that I have decreased my teaching time in the mornings, I'm feeling sane and balanced again with my writing time reinstated! 

Without further adieu, here are the articles I've written on other platforms this Fall! 

Stay tuned for more posts, both personally and professionally. :) 
