Sadie's Birth Story

I wrote this within the month of Sadie's birth, and had Ted read over it. I wanted to do it as soon as possible, even though my time, energy, focus were severely limited at that time. This may read as a very tedious post but I wanted to get down every detail. I still get all emotional when I read it and probably will every time. I still can't believe I have a little girl and my home feels complete. 

Sadie’s birth story

My last appointment with my OB was on Tuesday, September 17. I was 39 weeks and 5 days, and I was a little disappointed to still be pregnant. Furthermore the appointment revealed I had not progressed in the last five days. My OB did not want me to go past 41 weeks, so it was time to schedule an induction. She assured me that probably all that would need to be done is her breaking my water and labor would begin. First of all my whole pregnancy I thought this baby was coming early, mostly based on this fact that Hudson was born at 39 weeks and I felt so much more pregnant this time! I had significant water retention, swelling, weight gain, fatigue, carpel tunnel, I thought for sure this pregnancy was more advanced and would be over sooner.

Of course I was wrong! I went to the hospital on my due date, Thursday, September 19 to register for induction on Tuesday, September 24. Even though I did not want to be induced, I didn't have a choice, and at least the end was near. I was 190 pounds and was ready to meet this baby, one way or another. All together I was at the hospital for two hours. After wards, I went for a walk, cooked some meals, picked up Hudson, made dinner, and had dinner with my family, and my aunt Pam came over. She was going to babysit Hudson so Ted and I could go to Hudson’s Open House (Back to School Night). The parents and teachers were sweet but I got the old,  “What are you doing here? You’re still pregnant? I can’t believe it!” for the hundredth time! When we got home I thought about asking Pam to stay, but I thought, “Who am I kidding? This baby is never coming!” I asked Ted to take some pictures of me since it’s my due date and we went to bed about 10 PM.

I woke up on September 20, at about 12:20 ( I think!). I had some discomfort and wasn’t sure if I was; a. hungry, b. needed to poop, or c. in labor. I didn't want to get my hopes up for c., so I ate a banana (or tried to), and tried b. Neither provided relief so my answer became clear. I called Pam at 12:52, I said I wasn't sure if this was the real thing, but could she come over. She (sleepily) said ‘of course.’ I called my doctor at 1:03 AM, I gave my stats and information and the doctor called back at 1:20, she told me to head over to the hospital and go to the emergency entrance as it was after-hours.

Sometime between 1 and 1:20, I gave Ted his birthday presents since September 20 is his birthday! I was so proud that I got his presents in time this year, so he might as well receive them in time! We celebrated between contractions, and the Redskins coat, and Washington Nationals Tervis water bottle were both well received!

I texted my friends Irene, Carrie and Christine at 1:30 AM, while still in the driveway saying “On my way to the hospital!! Yeah!!!”  While still in the neighborhood, I called my parents to let them know we were on the way to the hospital. (They had made it very clear in the months leading up to this that they wanted to be called at any time of day or night, no matter what!)

We arrived at the hospital about 1:45 AM (It was a quick trip at that time of night!) and checked in at the Emergency Room. The receptionist seemed young and a little flustered—maybe pregnant women scared her! There was no one in the waiting room, and Ted of course got sucked in to a movie on TV (The Green Lantern, maybe) between contractions I informed him he needed to focus over here! The check-in process was quick since I just registered 12 hours before! I don’t remember all of the questions she asked but I do remember her asking if I needed to push. I guess I looked pretty desperate! She wheeled me down to the elevators for the adjacent building where Labor and Delivery would meet me. There was a problem with the elevators where they wouldn't come if called from below, but would come when called from L&D, it felt like we were sitting there awhile, so I had time to start spreading the word that it was Ted’s birthday.

I was checked in at L&D by a curt nurse, I was growing very uncomfortable but quickly learned that the floor was packed with women (as it was the harvest moon, they said). I reminded Ted he needed to advocate for me! I asked if we should call my doctor, after checking me, they said I had time. I was 3 cm, which I had been for the past two weeks.
Sometime between 2 and 2:30 I asked for an anti-nausea, which eventually they brought. Even with the medicine though, I threw up 2 times. I asked for a heating pad for my back and it came about an hour later, which was too late. I tried sitting on the birthing ball (yoga ball) but felt too shaky and uncomfortable, basically I just wanted to be in the fetal position on the bed and hold on! Ted was great about counting during my contractions, although I wasn't sure if he was counting forward or counting down, but it didn't matter, just his voice was calming. I was in so much more discomfort this time in my lower back that I was worried the baby was not in the right position. I think they only put the monitor on me when I first checked in.

My contractions were steady and I was checked again about 3:30 AM and I was 5 cm. I was thrilled I was making progress because the pain was intense. I asked again if I should call my doctor and the nurse said, “You can if you want, but she’s usually here at 5, so you’ll be fine.” I decided not to bother her, I didn't want to pull her out of sleep for nothing, and I’m only 5 centimeters, there’s still time.

I went all natural with Hudson, and had hoped to do it again this time. I wasn't going to be a martyr about it, I just wanted to try. I felt reassure that I was making progress, but the pain was much more intense this time. I thought about asking for an epidural but in the end I didn't have time!

Shortly after 3:30 AM my contractions went from about 45 seconds long, to 2 minutes long. The pain was insanely intense, and I couldn't tell if the baby was moving and that was making it more painful or what. I felt like I was crying out in pain as I laid in the fetal position and held the bed rails tight. After about 30 minutes of this, I said, “I’m pooping, I’m pooping.” I knew this was normal so I didn't panic, I’m not sure if the nurse was in my room at the time, or if Ted got her. [Please note, I didn't actually poop in the bed, but it sure felt like I was! Ladies you know what I'm talking about!] She checked me, while I was still in the fetal position. The next thing I know, the doctor was coming in putting on extra scrubs, and I thought “Sweet! It’s go time!!!!” I was so excited. The nurse never said, “you’re 10 centimeters” or “the baby’s crowning” or “let me get the doctor.” I don’t remember her saying anything before the doctor came in a few minutes later.  So basically I had gone from 5 to 10 centimeters in 30 minutes (whereas average is 5 hours!).

When the doctor was ready, she, the nurses, and Ted helped get me into position to push. I started pushing, and I remembered, chin to chest. Ted reminded me to breathe. I remembered to hold my legs up. The doctor said, “Just push straight through the contractions and you don’t need to stop, you can keep going.” The pain was nothing short of excruciating. The baby was born in three pushes. I said, “What is it? What is it?” I was looking, and the doctor put the baby on me and said, “You tell us mama!” I lifted her legs and said, “girl, girl! It’s a girl!” This was absolutely the happiest moment of my life. I wanted this second child for so long. I wanted a girl. I wanted this baby to be born. I wanted a natural labor and delivery. And here it was. It all just happened. And so quickly! Start to finish, my labor and delivery was 4 hours! After Sadie was born, the nurse looked at Ted and said, “If you have a third you’re going to have to deliver it at home Dad!”

I knew she was going to be sassy from this moment on!

Sadie was born in room 486 at 0438 on 9/20/13 weighing 7 pounds, 1 oz and 20.5 inches long.

Sadie was on my chest when they pushed the placenta out, OUCH, and then stitched up my tear, OUCH again. Sadie was pooping and peeing all over me as she was not yet diapered, or even fully swaddled. I was just holding her close against my chest. I couldn't stop looking at her, in total amazement. I fed her, and then Ted held her for a bit. She began to really cry and I looked at Ted like, “Oh no! What do we do?” As if we forgot, we tried to soothe her but I was surprised she was so noisy since I thought babies just slept after birth. (We didn't experience any of this with Hudson because he spent his first 11 hours in the NICU, and I didn't even get to hold him until he was about 4 hours old.) At about 6 AM the nurse took Sadie to the nursery for all of her maintenance. At this point I was overjoyed, but ravenous. Ted got me some jello, graham crackers, and peanut butter.

Typically the mother is then relocated to her recovery room but the nurses were concerned about my elevated heart rate, although they thought it was probably from my fast labor and delivery, ya think?! Next they were concerned about my white blood cell count from yesterday’s blood draw. They explained with these two factors, I could hemorrhage and the blood would be difficult to stop. So I needed more tests, and they couldn't bring Sadie back to me because they weren't sure what treatment I would need, and I couldn't eat anymore just in case. Here’s when I got a bit grouchy! It wasn’t until 9 AM that I was released from my labor room, and sent upstairs, then the nurse in my recovery room had to check me out before I could eat breakfast or see Sadie. It was so irritating, and of course the nurses were so busy with an over-full maternity ward. Six moms were in other parts of the hospital and the nurses had to tend to them too. Finally I got to eat my bacon and Cheerios, and see my baby girl again. It took over an hour for me to even get Motrin. I would ask for an ice-pack and it would take over an hour. So Friday was a little rough but I was exhausted and happy.
Daddy and Sadie's first birthday together!

A birthday feast! (Really I just wanted a good excuse to request pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread at the foot of my bed, Thanks Pam for delivering!!) 
The siblings meet!

Resisting an evening feeding at the hospital. 

On Saturday, 18 families checked out so the nurses were SO attentive! Only problem was I needed them yesterday! By Saturday I was feeling a lot more comfortable.

Meeting uncle Mike and cousin Alyssa. 


We checked out about 11 AM and got home to Hudson, my parents, Pam and Granny. We ordered delivery from a local Italian place, and I excused myself for a nap. 

It's amazing how tiny they look in the carseat! Here's Sadie when she first got home!

There is so much more I could add here. I didn't write at all about the bonding, visitors, my friend Christine having her baby at the same hospital on Saturday, OR about Hudson meeting Sadie. I hope to write separate posts about all of that, but since it's taken 6 months for me to share this, and it's already a long post, I'll stop it here for now. 

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Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 32-36
Come on Labor Walks
Hello World
