Baby Shower Time

A few months ago, I posted about my friend Irene's amazing party decorating abilities. She hit the mark again yesterday for our friend's baby shower. Irene volunteered to do all of the decorations. Even the hurricane would not stop her from living out her vision. She arrived at my house in Richmond at 9 AM Saturday, gave me the directions (written and verbal) complete with diagram, and shortly after she turned around to head back home to Virginia Beach where the storm was already getting started. She was sad to miss the shower, and we missed her too. Here's some of her amazing craftiness. I hope it inspires you too!!

Irene went with a "Grow" theme after hearing Lindsay's nursery theme. Irene bought the milk vases at the thrift store, and found the flowers at a craft store. She made the banner out of scrapbook paper.

Irene glued the letters together, to make a sign we could put anywhere (and Lindsay could incorporate into the nursery if she wanted.) She got the tiny pots and lollipops at Michael's. She held them up with a Styrofoam ball she cut in half, and cover the ball with light green jelly beans. She found the lollipop poked through the hole at the bottom so she put a quarter at the bottom of each pot. Irene asked a local friend to bring a bouquet of light pink flowers so I could fill the watering can. She bought the tiny chalkboards at Michaels, and the Watering Can at Garden Ridge. We wrote "Thank you" on the tiny chalkboard. Beside the watering can is a hardbound copy of Babar's Little Girl for all of the shower guests to sign. 

For the food table, Irene wanted a white table cloth, and these pots on the center of the table. She bought the green pots at Garden Ridge, instructed us to put tissue paper in the bottom and fill the top with a mix of pink jelly beans (from Farm Fresh). We then stood the tiny pinwheels (bought on Etsy) in the pots.

Here's a picture of all of the high school friends in attendance. Lindsay's younger brother pointed out Lindsay and I have been friends for 20 years, ekk! Somehow it's still shocking everytime we get together, but I've posted about this before, so I won't get too sentimental here! Irene met Lindsay in college when Lindsay and I roomed together Freshmen year and Irene lived down the hall.

Me, Lindsay and Christine, we had English together Sophomore year, and still say silly quotes from that year.

The flowers, still beautiful. I'll keep these on my table to remember the good times from the weekend and am thankful for little babies that give s the opportunity to get together. :)

By the way, I'm supposed to go to three more baby showers in the next 2 weeks. I'm just going to one other, the one that is local. As much as I love socializing and the friends being honored, part of slowing down for me is sometimes saying 'No' in order to spend down time with my boys. 


  1. Thank you for your kind words! I guess I love decorating, especially in honor of good friends.

  2. Awww, I love reliving this! Thank you girls for attending, decorating, helping Mom organize it. It was so beautiful and I am so grateful for your friendships (however long they may be!). XO

  3. Baby Shower Decorations On my point of view of decoration i.e. Bath Tub Cooler - Fill a baby bath tub with ice and place bottled drinks in it. Use it as a cooler and it can be given as a baby shower gift after the party. You can also have fun and make punch and milk, sticking the drink in baby bottles with twisty tops for the guests!

  4. Thanks for sharing your ideas Johnny! Love you Irene and Lindsay!

  5. Wait a moment.. That’s my kind of baby shower. I loved the décor, color schemes and almost everything about this is just darling. My sister is also planning a baby shower for me at one of the local event venues Chicago and was asking for some ideas about the theme, now will show this post to her.


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