Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 24-27

Week 24: Highlights this week include Hudson's new big boy bed, one of my best friend's had her second child, on June 4, and I bought a body pillow and have been sleeping amazingly well ever since! I don't have any belly pictures from this week, but just know I was smiling throughout the week thanks to these 3 highlights!

Week 24: Nesting step 1, new bed for Hudson!
Week 25: This week was also wonderful since it included the Babymoon. I noticed from my pictures this was the last week that my wedding rings fit comfortably. I stopped wearing them after this week for fear that the heat would make them very difficult to get off at the end of the day! My watch started to get tight, but I'm holding on for now.

Week 25: The belly barely fit in this kitchen!

Week 26: First  week of "Feeling the Heat!!" Up until this point, it hadn't been too hot. Now, I swear the AC in my house is not working and water from the refrigerated cooler is not cool at all! My coping mechanisms so far are as follows: make blocks of ice in plastic cups (regular ice cubes are not cutting it!), use insulated tumblers, wear only skirts, go to the pool as much as possible and always have a fan nearby. Even at work I was hot! Being 20 lbs heavier and hormonal is not a good combination in the humidity! 

 Here were are on Father's Day, June 16, at the baseball diamond. It was HOT!!! I took long walks on the concourse  to cool off and ate a large bright blue ice drink. I didn't care about the chemicals or sugar, all I wanted to do was cool off!!!

Week 27: Hudson and I have been to the pool many times! We go for about an hour after work/preschool and it feels amazing to both take the weight off and cool down! Hudson has a float and enjoys kicking around so I don't have to hold him. I mostly kick around myself and pretend like it's good exercise.
Ted went on his guy's weekend this week and Hudson and I had fun together. My belly button is so far out it appears in pictures. I'm still able to wear non-maternity tops but probably not for much longer.  Baby's been kicking a tremendous amount, more than Hudson ever did! I hope that means he/she is happy in there! I reassembled the crib in our bedroom, and now we just need a new mattress. We're nesting, slowly but surely! Next week is my glucose test, and I'll start going to the doctor every two weeks, rather than once a month, things are picking up!
Relaxing during adult swim time!
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Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 28-31
Pregnancy Journal on Public Display
Pregnancy Journal Weeks 24-27
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Baby Moon: June 8-10
Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 13-19
