Welcome 2012

As I look back on 2011, I see challenges which brings me to optimism for 2012. I take resolutions somewhat seriously. I write them down, I try to follow them and I enjoy the bumpy road of self improvement. I try to base my resolutions on what I felt was missing from the previous year, or what I've felt guilty about. Like an ongoing penance.  Below are my five resolutions in no particular order.

1. Have a dinner party every month. This is my most ambitious and exciting resolution. Years ago I read how Eleanor Roosevelt would have weekly dinner parties with a random mix of people each time. The priest, the neighbor, the coworker, etc. I LOVE this idea. Bring people together, have conversation starters at the ready but generally just enjoy people meeting new people. It might be disastrous but it will be fun nonetheless! We're going to try for 3-4 couples each month and try to bring people that don't know each other, which may be tricky because we don't have that many people here, but we'll try! I'm also excited to have the excuse to delve into cooking and trying new recipes. (Selfishly I want to use our china and have the excuse to clean up at least once a month!) This will also help me in the 'planning ahead' department, which will be an improvement since I've been very last minute lately which usually doesn't work out too well!
2. Reply to emails within a month. I'm terrible about reading emails and not responding. The silly part is, I'll think about the looming email for weeks, months, and still not reply. I'll think about it when driving, or in the shower, never at an appropriate time. I just don't get around to replying, it's ridiculous and rude! I've tried to only open email if I have the time/patience to reply, but I'm not disciplined enough for that. Maybe once I'm replying within a month, I'll be able to bump it up to replying within two weeks!
3. Call grandparents once a month. One grandma now lives with me, so I'm covered there! I love calling my Grandma Millie, she'll be 90 this year and she always manages to make me feel good, and she likes telling me about the price she got on lemons, and what she did with them. Without fail she tells me about her time as a preschool teacher over 20 years ago. She is so proud and I feel so fortunate to have her in my life. Ted has a grandma and grandpa still living, and Grandma we see every couple weeks, but I need to be deliberate about calling his Grandpa. It's a significant source of guilt that I do not call more often and there's absolutely no excuse for it because he's always available, and doesn't like to talk on the phone so it's a 2 minutes at most conversation so it's really a minimal effort good deed that I just need to do! (Selfishly, I find that older people are just so happy to hear from you that it automatically lifts your spirits too!)
4. Get a manicure, facial or haircut every month. It was a big step for me to get my hair cut somewhere other than Hair Cuttery! Ted was the one who pushed me to go somewhere nicer. I'll say I definitely feel better with a better haircut. I NEVER get my nails done, and honestly that's because salons intimidate me, but I just need to suck it up! It's good to try something that scares you and power through! I've never had a facial, and damnit, I'm ready to give that a try because I SHOULD NOT still be getting pimples! It's ridiculous!  Now that I'm getting paid more like a professional my appearance should match it (I'm listening Stacy and Clinton ;))
5. Get the car washed once a month. I see this as related to taking care of myself. I NEVER get my car washed, thinking it will rain eventually, but really a washed car looks so much better and now that I'm driving a newer car I should be taking better care of it! I am also in my car for 300 miles a week, so we spend a lot of time together! There's no excuse, I pass dozens of car wash places on a daily basis, I just need to be brave, like for salons and try one!

There are my five--what are you trying to accomplish this year? It's never too late or too large of a goal if you are motivated! I hope 2012 brings you wonderful surprises and strength and patience through the rest!

As always, here are the construction updates. 


  1. Love the resolutions- thanks for sharing! Try doing the carwash with Hudson- my boys LOVE it! Know what you mean about email, too. The smartphone makes it so easy to read email, but it's hard to respond. Good luck, and Happy New Year!


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