Weekend Update

For the last few weekends I've been waking up at 6 for no reason. I hope this is not a sign of "getting old." I find the trend baffling because during the week I have to drag myself out of bed, then when it's finally Saturday morning, and I can finally sleep past sunrise, I lay there restless. Today, I decided to seize the day and use the quiet time as a chance to catch up on my blog. I think about this blog everyday with a guilty of cloud of regret. I'm sorry I've neglected you, and I'm sorry I've done little more than book reviews for the last month or so.  I have some very good reasons, really, but all the same, I didn't like neglecting my fledgling endeavor. Here's an overview of what I've been up to, and maybe future posts  will flesh some of this out more, but maybe not, I'm not going to make any promises. I might just want to move forward from here!
December 25-31: The post Christmas week, Hudson was home almost all week sick with fever, coughing, congestion. Ted was already planning on being home to study for his next Java certification. I took Monday off, but worked the rest of the week. Poor Ted didn't get his studying done, but at least the little boy got better!
January 1 - 7: This was going to be my super busy week. I had planned on seeing almost all of my families two times in order to make up for next week when I'll be in training and can't schedule any appointments. Since I am not a staff employee and I get paid for each session, it was really important financially for me to make up as many appointments as I could. I was making them up in advance because after the week of training, I would be working part time in another county  and would not have the time to make up appointments! Well you know what I say about the best laid plans.
Some of the extra appointments happened, some were cancelled, and basically I was frazzled trying to keep everyone straight. In addition, on Tuesday morning I blacked out. This has not happened to me in at least 15 years. I was getting ready for the day, feeling a little light headed so I grabbed a graham cracker while my bagel toasted. I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, after going to the bathroom I was flushed with sweat. I got up and saw the blackness through the top of my eyes. I braced myself on the bathroom sink. The next thing I knew I was on the floor about 5 feet away. Ted saw it and was spooked. Almost as soon as I collapsed, I came around, sat on the couch, ever so slowly nibbled my bread, and was basically pretty spooked myself. In the past when I blacked out it was always after skipping a meal, which is why I never skip a meal, in fact I try to eat something every 3-4 hours for this very reason. I was miffed, spooked and annoyed! I did everything right, there's no reason for this, it's not fair I have stuff to do!
I was urged/forced to go to Patient First (Getting a PCP is an undocumented New Year's Resolution.) They basically found this was the perfect storm of poor timing; I had a bladder infection (which I didn't know about!), I had  been fighting the cold/flu which wore my body down, although there was no evidence of me fighting it at the time, and I had been taking Clomid and blacking out is one of the known side effects. He send me home with medicine for the bladder infection and I stayed home the rest of the day trying to convince myself I am fine. With all of the questions that the doctor asked me I was terrified for the next few days what was wrong with me, and if there was something more. My nerves shot up every time a limb feel asleep because he asked about tingling, I was nervous I would get a headache because he asked about them, I was generally scared it was going to happen again because it felt so fluky. I decided I won't do Clomid on my next cycle and see what happens. I also decided I would try to eat more because clearly I am weak!
By Thursday and Friday I was feeling great, like super amazing! Maybe getting rid of the bladder infection contributed because who knows how long that has been dragging me down. For the last few weeks now I have felt great, and hopefully that whole medical mess is behind me. To round out the week, Ted brought home my new Iphone 4s on Friday! It is my Christmas gift, and I could probably do a whole post of my love for the smart phone, but I'll save that for later.
January 8-14: I had been looking forward to this week for over a month! While it would be some people's personal hell to be in New Hire Orientation for a week, I was thrilled! Thrilled for the change of pace, thrilled for getting paid for it, thrilled about the new job is starting and I'm right where I want to be! Orientation certainly had it's less than stimulating moments but it was well-run and friendly. I thought back to my other new hire orientations (or lack thereof) and was definitely impressed with how Chesterfield County genuinely seemed enthused and professional. All new hires were together, so it was neat to meet people with all of different backgrounds and careers. I got to go to my new office on Wednesday, meet my supervisor and settle in! My new colleagues were so warm and welcoming, I immediately felt comfortable, I have a desk in front of a window in a shared office. I am ridiculously excited about starting work next week!
January 15-21: This was the big week where I started my new appointment times with my Henrico families, and started officially working for Chesterfield County. It was all great in theory; last month I talked to all of my Henrico families about what other days/times might work for them. I laboriously reworked my schedule to both accommodate their needs, and keep the appointments geographically close together as much as possible. Well as it turns out at least two families are no longer okay with the time they approved a few weeks ago, and now that I'm working for Chesterfield I don't have much wiggle room in my schedule. I did the best I could working everyone in, and we'll just have to see how it goes the next couple of weeks. In Chesterfield, I don't yet have my laptop, so I can't take on any new families. That was just fine with me because I got to observe other therapists in action, and at times, had HOURS to fill on the clock. This was NOT something I had ever experienced before! I literally could not handle it, so I took it upon myself to tidy up the PT equipment closet! I am so unfamiliar with paid free time! It's been really interested comparing the two counties' policies and practices.
Well I have more to say, but I have to get ready to go make up a session. Have a nice and SLOW weekend everyone!


  1. Glad you and Hudson are feeling better and that Ted didn't catch the fever, congestion stuff. Also, I am excited to hear you are trying for baby number two. All the best to you guys. Hugs, Nova

  2. Confused ...I thought you only got paid for appointments so how were you paid to clean out the closet?
    Nova informed me of hopes for baby #2. Woooohooo

  3. Hi Bre! Sorry I didn't explain it too well, and it is a little confusing; for one county I am only paid by appointment and I'm not an actual county employee, so they could drop me at anytime and there is no guarantee of hours (but the rate of pay is higher). I just started for an additional County, Chesterfield, and for them, I am an actual county employee, working 24 hours a week. So in theory, I'll have the best of both worlds; high pay and freedom with one, and lower pay, but stability and team atmosphere at the other county. I work 2.5 hours for both.


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