Mantra Monday: Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a Virtue seems to ring through my head at least once a day. Patience with myself, my husband, work and life in general. When I was a Kindergarten teacher, friends would compliment my patience, and with kids, I have a lot of it. They are still learning the ways of the world. For some reason I can't stop feeling like if adults would just operate in a way that made the most sense to me, life would be easier for everyone. I can hear you laughing because of course I know this is a ridiculous thought and it no way attainable, or ideal.
Perhaps certain types of patience are harder for me because I'm not a sit on your laurels kind of person. If I see a problem, I try to fix it, if something needs to be done, I try to do it. When tasks are beyond my full control I am forced, at some point or another to be patient. I have to trust that people will do what they say they are going to do, and it will all work out. If it doesn't work out, well I will have at least learned something from it, and I usually feel like I did everything I could to direct the situation.
I feel like patience is vital for fully being at peace with how things are in the world. Since no one can fully control their circumstances; health, money, accidents, fortune and misfortune we have to be patient when things don't play out in our favor. My next question is always, "what have I learned from this?" I've had many such lessons lately with contractors, insurance, new business associates, and uncharted waters. Which leads me to probably my most trusted mantra, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonaid" to be addressed next week.
