My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I already know what you’re thinking, “Surprise, surprise, Monica read and liked a Michael Moore book!” While I used to idealize Michael Moore, I’ve calmed down in my more mature, less idealistic ways. This book is from 2004; the first half it felt like was all about 9/11, Bin Laden, Saddam and them Bushes. The second half was an insightful look at what’s going on in our country, why we are lead to believe we are conservative country and why everyone needs a new leader.
The early portion of the book is interesting and fact-rich, explaining the relationship between the Bin Laden and Bush families, and how Saddam Hussein came into the mix. Moore is political yes, but also quite entertaining about it, drawing the analogy of Bush’s lies to BK Whoppers and going through the 10 or so best-selling Whoppers. Moore breaks up the fact-spewing by inserting vignettes like, “A dream he had between his great grand daughter, Anne Coulture Moore and him in 2056.” Moore and his dreamed up great granddaughter discuss life before and after the great die-off brought on by over consumption of oil. Another highlight of the book, was a Letter from God, apologizing for the creation of George Bush ‘who was just supposed to be one of the party boys but somehow things got way out of control!’
Since I was listening to and not reading this book, I cannot accurately quote the multitude of valuable facts and statistics Moore presents, but what will stick to my ribs is Chapter 10, “How to Talk to your Conservative Brother-In-Law.” [I’m not kidding that’s the title.] Moore does not give talking points like I feel many pundits do. Instead, he points out the value of Conservatives, and how to carry a dialogue in an educated, respectful way that compliments their strengths and brings a sane voice to the non-Conservative movement.
Moore spends some effort on a call to arms to remove Bush, and while he did not prevail as we all know from the 2004 election, he is powerful and persuasive, and almost had me convinced Oprah should be president. Moore also spends some time on the economic inequality in the United States and how it compares to other countries. I wanted to write something down just about every four sentences, but since I was driving on 95 this was not possible. I can say, reading Michael Moore reminds me of the expression, “If you’re not mad as hell, you’re not paying attention.” I’ll be the first to admit he can be over the top at times, but that’s what you have to do to be heard. Now that we’re past the Bush era, I probably won’t pick up Stupid White Men, but I am always interested in what he is going to uncover next.
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