Work Files: Tips for Bed time/Nap time

1.      Establish a routine. This might include brushing teeth, having a drink of water/milk, going potty, reading a book, singing a song. Whatever you are comfortable with that is calming for you and your child.
2.      Dim the room as much as possible and shut out other noises as much as possible.
3.      After you have finished your routine say, something like, “Night night, sleep tight, mommy loves you.”
4.      Close the door and leave the room. Unless you are concerned about your child’s safety, do not go in the room for at least 5 minutes. This may feel like FOREVER so keep your eyes on the clock.
5.      If your child is still very upset after five minutes, be as unemotional as possible while putting them back in bed, tucking them in, and repeat the phrase, “Night night, sleep tight, mommy loves you.”
a.       This shows your child they are safe you are still nearby, but that they are not going to get any more attention from you.
6.      If he goes right back to screaming/crying, wait another 5-10 minutes. And repeat the same affirmations.
a.       If you begin to cuddle or give him a drink of water or give in whatever he is requesting, your child will learn that his crying works so he’s going to keep doing it.
b.      If on the other hand, you stay firm, your child will learn that it is time for bed and crying is not going to get them anywhere.
7.      Sometimes it’s very hard to hear your baby crying or calling your name, if you need to turn the TV on, call a friend, move to another room, or somehow separate so you don’t have to hear it.
8.      Don’t expect this to be easy! Starting a new routine and breaking habits is Difficult and can be Very Emotional. Once you and your child learn the new routine, I guarantee it will pay off in dividends! Every once in a while she or he may try to challenge you again, but just stay firm and know it’s part of being a toddler. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip a little, just get right back on track the next day, YOU CAN DO THIS!

The SuperNanny is awesome at sleep training, here are just a few examples;
Two little girls, and the mom stays in bed with them,

Websites Dedicated to Sleep Training
