My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to give this 3 or 4 stars. On the one hand, I did enjoy it, and I looked forward to continuing the story and seeing it through. On the other hand, there was nothing terribly gripping. I guess I wanted more details, Flinn does not transport you to Le Cordon Bleu. She shares the recipes, what the chefs say, her budding romance and the emotions of it all. The one take home "feeling" I have from it is how hard it was to be constantly critiqued on something you love to do. I thought about that, what would it be like to be graded on something you take pleasure in?
I think I wanted more about having to chop carrots for two hours, just how hot it is in the kitchen, are there bathroom breaks, and how she got all of her burns and scars. I don't feel like I have a good sense of what it is like to spend hours in the kitchen for months on end. I guess other books can give me that. Her story is an inspiration for those thinking of perusing their dreams and seizing the day--a lesson that is under-utilized!
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