Well over the weekend (March 21-22), we talked about how the week went, and how this week can be better. We now have three more weeks to go (at least). Ted was working in the downstairs office which doesn't have a door. He was constantly asking us to quiet down, close the other doors, he would tell us when he was about to be on a call, so we really had to quiet down. And he was pretty grumpy from all of this. I really thought the kids were handling all of this so well. Sure there were moments they got wound up, or wouldn't listen, but honestly it felt like that was even less often than usual! We knew Ted would be better off in a room with a door to close, so the natural choice was my new office! He moved a small table over to set up his monitor, and we cleaned up a bit in there.
I wanted Ted to be more comfortable, but I also wanted the kids and I to have a dedicated work space. Once we moved Ted upstairs, it made perfect sense to convert our dining room to a classroom!
I really wanted to address the kids work space and didn't like how cluttered the kitchen table was feeling. I always find it helpful to have dedicated space for things. Since our dining room is rarely used as a dining room, and certainly wouldn't be used for entertaining anytime in the next xx of months, I got to work making this our classroom! This console table (which we've been trying to sell on Marketplace!) was perfect for our materials. Ted suggested putting up a divider because Hudson gets annoyed with Sadie's constant chatter (and frankly even I need to tell her to stop talking at times)! The kids were so excited about their space that they wanted to work in it Sunday evening!
We're trying to get lots of exercise! During the day we usually took walks mid day when Ted was able to take a break, and a longer walk when he was done for the day. On Wednesday we got a big delivery of mulch and spent a few days weeding, clearing beds and spreading the mulch.
We love our home gym! We're using the weights, treadmill and countless videos on YouTube to keep us moving! |
Checking out the rock gallery at their school. This was completed on Sunday, March 8 and we had not seen it yet. We tried to find their rocks but they weren't quite sure which ones were theirs! |
On Monday, March 23rd, I was playing Dominos with Sadie, when my friend Kristin texted that schools were closed for the rest of the year. I gasped and Sadie asked what happened, and Ted was nearby at the time too. I was so shocked and the gravity of the situation hit me like news of a death. For the next hour or so I was texting and talking to friends and family. Not so much for our household, but the gravity of the situation. The factors that lead to this decision, the seriousness of what lead to this decision. We were not the first state to do this, and wouldn't be the last. This was a historic moment. My heart hurt for the children where home is not a safe place, for the families where this would be devastating, needing to pay for chid care for not 2.5 months like the typical summer, but more than 6 months! The families that can't afford to do that. The kids that will fall so, so far behind.
I have the luxury of being a teacher by training. I have the luxury of being able to work part time, and give my kids my attention part of the time. I have the luxury of honestly, not even needing to work, and my family would be fine. I can't imagine the difficulty this puts on many (most) families. I am extremely grateful that in January I changed jobs and thus greatly reduced my hours. My kids are old enough to keep themselves safely entertained for hours. My heart aches for many families I know with young children, where both parents are needing to work full time. Having to constantly struggle with needing to parent and needing to work. The kids not getting the attention they need and deserve.
I cried real tears when getting the news. For all of the above reasons, and for my children. I loved Sadie's kindergarten teacher and over the past 6 weeks or so, I got to spend an hour in the classroom each week volunteering. I'm so sad that Sadie will not benefit from her teaching any more. Hudson was in his last year in Elementary School! He's suddenly a middle schooler. No signing year books, no fifth grade graduation. They both had spring field trips they were really looking forward to. I think of the fabulous resource teachers. I think of the friends the kids made (especially Hudson who struggled last year as the new kid, but really seemed comfortable and happy this year. )I know there's video chat, but it's not the same as playing four square at recess, laughing over fart jokes at lunch or the general camaraderie as classmates in school.
Ted was quick to say, "Well, I probably won't be working from home that whole time," much to his relief! He is really not doing much with the kids during the day anyway, as he is working, so I don't think that will have a grave impact on us. At this time (Sunday, March 29) I feel we will be home for awhile, but I hope the world open back up in the summer, and maybe they can go to summer camps, and if not, then at least maybe we can get out and do activities as a family, or the three of us during the day.
We're going to carry this into next week, drafting out the day, depending on Ted and my work schedules. The kids enjoy erasing each part after completion. |
I never had much interest in homeschooling. Now I'll have some version of it, sort of. Even my home schooling friends are saying this is not the same. "Homeschooling" for most, does not mean staying home all day. For most it means teaching in groups, going to different homes, museums, parks, etc. Even intentional homeschoolers are needing to make drastic changes.
Sadie made this up on her own when I showed her my stack of 500 business cards from my former job! |
The kids put on a puppet show for their 3 year old friend, Estella. <3 nbsp="" td="">3> |
There were great moments this week, and not so great moments. I think this time at home will teach the kids how to entertain themselves, and use the houseful of toys and materials they have. I think this is a huge skill kids now our lacking. Normally on the weekends and afternoons, the kids are out playing with the neighborhood kids, which is so wonderful but now they need to find ways to fill the hours at home. Surprisingly they haven't once tried to get on the PS3 and Hudson has not asked for his phone or DS. He's drawing, reading and doing various art projects, while also wanting to get stronger and learn Bo techniques (staff used in Martial arts). We had a heart to heart this week, where I mostly talked and he cried. I'm not sure what triggered the crying, yes I was fussing at him because he sometimes turns into a limp noodle when I've let him do what he wants for HOURS and as soon as I ask him to do something he's suddenly so weak. Anyway, I was trying to tell him this is a true gift of time to hone a talent, build a skill, become better at something he's always wanted to do! Skateboard, bo, drawing, build muscles, build endurance, become a baker etc., the next day he spent hours on this drawing and I think I got through to him.
Hudson spent hours on this drawing of a dragon and is very proud of it!
On Thursday, I got the idea to write to the kids' 10 cousins to be pen pals! I don't know if they will reciprocate, but at least this is something productive my kids can do, practice their writing, drawing, and show some kindness. We mailed letters to all of the cousins, and next week I'd like to write to other relatives too!
Another Plus, the garden is going to look better than ever! Last year, I really didn't put much time into the garden, I wanted to see what would pop up on it's own. We spent many hours (Hudson too!), spreading mulch, pulling weeds, cleaning out beds, planting peonies, and trimming. I'm loving this luxury of time to see the signs of Spring each day, the hosta, lirope, lily of the valley and hydrangeas start to show shoots. The bushes budding and blooming, the iris and tulips coming up. I don't plan on planting any food, but I love having flowers in bloom from March through October, so just like at the other house, I'm going to gradually add perennials to that end.
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