Guess what? I've really missed blogging. All the Facebook, Instragram, and work documentation in the world can not replace good old soul writing. My husband thinks I can make money off blogging. I don't, although that would be nice. I do think I will benefit and profit from having the release, and dedicated time for writing.
September 28, 2018, NYC adventure with my big boy. |
It's a weeknight, I'm at a Panera, with earbuds in listening to Electronic Cardio Radio, high energy music helps me focus and tune out the conversations around me. It's not crowded but not empty and I'm not the kind of person that can tune out activity around me. I've never been able to read in public. My husband, Ted, really wants me to get back to blogging, and do more "branding" of myself, I said, 'Yes I would love that, but I don't have time!' I can't really do this when I'm around my kids. I might be uninterrupted if I put them both in front of different screens but I am not comfortable with that. We're committing to one night a week to write, so here I am on night one! I was giddy driving over here, it felt like victory, like I've made it. Should it really feel like such a big deal for a mom to escape the nightly routine for a few hours? But, that's how it goes, and I feel like I have a lot more freedom than many moms.
This girl usually won't smile for the camera but she loves to command a selfie. |
I have a lot of ideas for this blog, writing about doTERRA Essential Oils, Wildtree products, downsizing, teaching, parenting, saving money, trying to be simple, healthy, natural, and sane. Since starting this blog years ago, I've noticed how many times the title "Slow Down Momma" has come up in various forms. We all need to slow down, but especially moms. I feel like we need to be conscientious to not do it all, and be it all for everyone. To not sweat everything, and try to be uber-everything. Personally, right now, my priorities are keeping my family healthy, sleep, helping them feel gratitude and joy with everyday things. We do not over-schedule, we do not have events every night of the week, we don't go to every birthday party or fun event. I believe in down time, unstructured time, and family time. We've learned that some of our favorite times are Friday nights when we make or buy pizza and all watch a movie together. I look forward to that plan more than a big night out with friends.
Exactly! |
I often think about what do I want my kids to remember. I want them to remember these friday nights together, and the other weeknights when we eat dinner together, I want them to remember us talking around the table, I want them to remember me present and not stressed. I might miss some opportunities, some sales, some big moments, but I sleep really well at night (most of the time) knowing I've undoubtedly put them first.
October 7, 2018 |
There are so many opportunities now, so many things to LIKE and FOLLOW and SHARE but the real moments are not so easily measured. I look forward to documenting, even if I'm the only one reading it!. :)
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