Celebrations: Thanksgiving

In an effort to document, I'm going to keep a running log of our celebrations of holidays and events and simply update each year. The date will start when we became parents; February 20, 2009.

2009: November 26, 2 children
(No pictures available right now, but it was at Josh and Scarlet's in Haymarket, VA when Addie was 4 days from being born!)

2010: November 25, 3 children

2011: November 24, 4 children

2012: November 22, John's house, 5 children

The five cousins!

Great family time! 4 of the 5 cousins

It was a beautiful day to play outside

2013: November 28, Everyone gathered at our house, we took pictures by the fireplace.7children

Thanksgiving 2013
S and her great grandma. 

Two of the three babies!

The pot-luck feast

The full but happy happy house!

2014:  November 27  Everyone at John's house., 8 children

(This is apparently the only picture I took that day!)

2015: November 26, 8 children, We went to Fredericksburg early in the morning to do some yardwork for Ted's grandfather, then we all went to Golden Corral for lunch.

(This is the only picture I took that day!)

2016: November 24, Ted and Monica's house, 8 children

See other celebrations logs here:
Monica's Birthday
Mother's Day
Father's Day
September 20th, Ted's and Sadie's Birthday
