Celebrations: Easter

Someday I'll go back and fill in the rest of these years, but for now, here are a few years of celebrations!

2009: We were living downtown, and walked to the Easter on Parade. It was a fun time, and a beautiful day.
2013: It was rainy, so we had an Easter Egg hunt inside. My parents were here to celebrate with us. The Easter bunny visited while H, my mom and I were at the store. The bunnies were so engrossed in conversation that they hid the eggs when the garage door opened. We all had a good time!

2014: The inside hunt was so much easier that we did that again, then went over to Ted's parents house for a family hunt. We had  family hunt at the lake a few weeks before.

2014: April 30 Easter day. Celebration at Ted's parents.

April 12, celebration at the Lake with my family.

Handmade Easter goodies by Grantie (Great Aunt) Pam!

Cutie  Cousins

2015: April 5, We celebrated at the Inlaws after a morning of festivities at home. It was warm and sunny and we enjoyed the afternoon outside!

Not the best picture, but this one captured the most children

2016: On Saturday, March 26, we went to our neighborhood's Spring Fling. Sunday, Hudson and I started our day at 6 am with toys from the Easter basket and baking Wildtree Banana Bread. We had a great morning at home just the four of us, then a lovely afternoon at the Inlaws. The weather was cold and grey all weekend, but we still managed to enjoy ourselves.

See other celebrations logs here:
Monica's Birthday
Mother's Day
Father's Day
September 20th, Ted's and Sadie's Birthday
