2015: Halloween fell on Saturday. We went to Richmond Lollipops concert in the morning, with Hudson wearing his Captain America costume and Sadie in a bat dress. Hudson tolerated the show although was very fidgety. Sadie was captivated for all of 1 song then very playful for the rest of the hour.
Right after the show we went directly to a demonstration on bats at a local Wild Birds center. We were all fascinated and educated!
We had some down time at home, then headed to our community center for Truck or Treat, hot dogs and neighborliness. We made our way back home from there. Hudson was an eager Trick or Treater and Sadie really wanted to keep up, trying her darnest to run up the driveways as fast as the big kids! She loved collecting the candy too, and as soon as we got home, Hudson was eager to dump and sort! We watched some Halloween specials and called it a day! The kids were in bed at almost their normal bedtime so it was a true win!

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