Have you all heard about this book, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kodo?
Well I have not read it, but I got some highlights from reading reviews online and took the plunge tonight! It sounds like it is a book I can get fully behind.
I know I didn't do it the official way, but here's how I did it.
1. Dumped all of the clothes from the closet onto the bed.
2. Handled each piece of clothing and asked the question, "Does this item spark joy?" If yes Keep, if no, put it in the pile for donation.
3. Return joyful clothes to the closet and "love your wardrobe again."
4. Marvel at the mass of giveaway clothes that were taking up space in the closet all of these years!
5. Marvel at the less cluttered closet.
6. Apologize to husband who was in the room for this and could not stop sneezing from all of the dust!
A true follower of the method would put every stitch of clothing including undergarments, outerwear, accessories, on the bed. I just did the closet but I think it was super productive for 2 hours on a weeknight!
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