My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a fun read right before the school year started back up. Fiction, set in Australia, about an uppity school where a newcomer inadvertently rocks the boat. There's catty, petty ugliness, and someone dies. An entertaining read.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read this for my personal development in hopes that it would help explain some of my six year old's behavior. It's nice to get reassurance that he's perfectly "normal" and there are many other boys out there that are just like him. The author comes from the standpoint of; 20% of the population is especially sensitive and it evenly split between boys and girls. Society though, in the United States anyway, is NOT geared to supporting the sensitive boy, in fact, the sensitive boy's self esteem usually suffers due to so much of the media and society encouraging boys to be rough, aggressive and emotionless. Whereas the sensitive boy does not like violence, noise, roughness and he feels deeply. The author provides practical ways to help the sensitive boy and what to be on the the look out for. I found the book to be useful, and one I will likely refer back to over the years.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Finished this book about 2 months ago, but from what I remember it was good. A good lesson that you can't always pick out the druggie when the drug is prescription pain killers. Everything looked normal, even enviable from the outside but on the inside, everything was falling down. I will remember this book, even though it's fiction, in my interactions with families, especially the apparently well-to-do. It also explained how it can happen, going from one doctor to another, giving a sob story.
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