Holy Sleep Regression Batman!

You would never guess by looking at her, or if you've seen her in the last week, that she has become a holy terror at night! She is taking HOURS to go down, if she goes down at all! One night I slept on the floor with her most of the night, one night she was simply awake from 1:30 AM til we got in the car at 12:30 PM. She was labeling my nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hair, having a good old time. It reminded me of this post with Hudson. It's so hard to go back to sleepless nights when you've had over a YEAR of glorious, uninterrupted sleep. The problem with not sleeping is that I get cranky and less patient, she's cranky and has more tantrums, testing my shortened patience, and it's just the most vicious cycle.
Apparently sleep regression at 18 months and 2 years are normal, so she's either late or early. Children this age can develop a renewed separation anxiety, new fear of the dark, they are cutting molars and may be making significant strides in her language and potty training. She is talking a lot now and is starting to use the potty at daycare. Oh, and she also had bronchitis last week, so we tried to be patient but when she only hit us when we walked in the room, instead of being comforted, we knew she was playing us! Oh wait, it was only me that she hit, she calmed immediately with Daddy. I tried to not be offended, and I tried to take advantage of my extra free time as the rejected parent!
