Flowers for Mommy

I was pretty pissed off most of the day yesterday, and then I was pissed off that I was pissed off. The reality is I adore my husband, and I don't go on and on about that here because I don't think it's necessary. But there are things about him that I would really like to see change. He's so laid back that he did not bother to get me a card or put any energy into making my Mother's Day special. I feel whiny even writing that, but I know others can relate.  I feel that we should celebrate and show our  appreciation for people. I didn't need gifts, if he had done even one thing that was nice for me yesterday I would have noticed but he didn't, in fact, it felt like he was going out of his way to make my day more difficult.

But then, this peony bloomed, the first of many in my yard. (Sadie is singing the praises!) This is the first year they are blooming since my mom planted them for me 2 years ago. Thank you Mom!

And then, Hudson made me a sweet card.

And then, my cousin who is visiting made me a sweet card.

And then, I got to spend all morning at the botanical garden with 7 people that I love.

And then, I got a handful of texts from sweet friends and family members.

And then, I decided to partake in some gardening therapy after ordering asking Ted to give the kids baths and put them to bed. Hudson came outside and said he just wanted to help me because it's Mother's Day, and then, I broke down and cried and thanked him for making my day so special and for the card, and the hat, and helping me, and holding my hand when I needed it. I apparently can't teach a grown up how to express himself, but this six year old certainly knows.

(oh and I got a dozen roses today. I guess he listened, at least.)
