A girl and her duck

Sadie has basically been talking and walking for a month! Both these areas just took off and now we are having more fun with her than ever!

She regularly says; "up" "ut-oh" "stop it"  "ba" when pointing to a ball, bird, block, or her brother, she has said "ma" "dad" "more" "all done" but we haven't heard those recently. There may be others I am forgetting but for some reason she loves the word 'duck!' She will find a picture of one in her book, point to it and say "Duck!" she'll see one and say "Duck" I'll pause when singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and she'll fill in with "Duck" over and over again!

Today I thought "I bet we have a stuffed animal duck" I pulled it out and here was her face....

I tried for over an hour to edit a little clip of her saying "duck" but alas it is not going to happen tonight. You'll just have to imagine it based on this cute picture :)
