Off to the shop (we almost go)

This picture is quite a big deal! The motorcycle above is a 1986 Yamaha Virago with 700 miles on it. It sat, and sat, and sat all of these years in Ted's parent's garage. It ran perfectly well before it sat for so long. For about a year and a half Ted has been rebuilding it. He's not mechanically inclined but he is highly motivated. He consults the manual, Internet and family and friends, orders parts online and tinkers away.
The motorcycle starts (what an amazing sound that was!) but does not stay running so Ted was ready to take it to a shop so they could look at that and hopefully get a current inspection. It was quite a coordinated effort to get the motorcycle into the truck, then we coordinated the kids so Ted could drop it off Friday morning, then the truck won't start! Sigh. Oh the unpredictability of having 3 vehicles over 20 years old!!
