Recent Pics & Update

As usual, I have plans to post, and don't. As usual, my routine has changed. As usual I want to say, "I'm going to post more often but the quality may change." The usual is, I'm always busy, I'm always behind, but I won't make blogging come above chores, errands, or time with my family. So here's the quick and dirty since I last posted.
As you'll recall, the last 2 weekends we were out of town for three days, which was wonderful, but I didn't get to take advantage of my Monday off. This past weekend we were home but busy with a BBQ for 60 people! This weekend we can take a deep breath and enjoy cleaning up the house, yard, celebrate at a few birthday parties and start getting ready for the beach! Family vacation in one week, and I can not wait! I didn't get a single picture of the epic barbecue, but here are a few stats:

# of children - 17
# of adults  - 42
Pounds of barbecue purchased - 21
Number of buns purchased - 96
Number of Crock pots used - 4

Lessons learned: When buying food, kids don't eat the same quantity as adults. People don't respond quickly to invitations, before you invite more people, give a personal call/text/email to ask the already invited people if they plan on coming. It was a beautiful day, and everyone seemed to have a great time, I just did not like having so much food left over! That's okay, we have an extra freezer and I'm hoping BBQ freezes well!

Here are some pics from the last week:

 A Sunday Stroll through Pony Pasture, I think it's where we all got poison ivy from, but it was worth it!

 We can enjoy eating outside since we had the yard sprayed for ticks, mosquitoes and other pests.
 I couldn't help but snap a shot at this dramatic sky!
Hudson wanted to take Sadie to the doctor with me, and he was such a sweet big brother. Daycare and  I were concerned she had an ear infection, turns out it's just teething pain, I'm not sure if that's better. All this fuss and still no tooth. That's okay, we dosed up with some Tylenol today, and so far she's been less fussy.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
