My first "day off"

People probably think I'm crazy, or horrible, or both. Crazy for doing nothing but chores on my day off, horrible for taking the kids to daycare when I was off all day. At least I used to be all judgy pants like that until I too entered the world of parenthood. The truth is all of the dirty work has got to get done one way or another. It goes a whole lot faster when the kids are not around and they would just be upset for not spending more time with them. If I get a lot done on my day off I'll be more relaxed and happy when I'm with them and everyone wins.
The kids were at day care for 8 hours today. In that time I did the following; 4 loads of laundry, cooked and puréed peaches, pears, carrots, chicken, worked outside, showered, went to the grocery store, vacuumed 3 rooms, sorted baby clothes, started a blog about Mother's Day, fixed the issues on my phone that was preventing me from transferring audio books, downloaded 2 books and bookmarked a bunch of others.
I'm hoping to keep this schedule for the rest of summer; Monday is not such a bad word!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
