Favorite things: Milk!

Central Virginia are you drinking this stuff? You should be, here's why:
1. It's local
2. Hormone Free
3. It tastes AMAZING, as I suppose Milk of yesteryear tasted like. If 'wholesome' and 'fresh' had a taste it would be this. This says a hell of a lot because I usually only put milk in my hot beverages or cereal, and this milk I want to drink by the glass!
4. It is inexpensive; the quart is $2 and the half gallon is $3.
4a. It's practically free for God sake!! You can return the bottles to the store and get $2 for every bottle including the quart!!! This is insane! We were skeptical but no, it really was as easy as bringing the bottles to customer service at Kroger and they give you cash! This is really about to blow your mind... they also sell other beverages in the same glass bottles, you can buy lemonade, $1.69 a half gallon and STILL get $2 back!!! Let me give you a minute to let that sink in....

4b. Oh and it's cool that the only thing you throw away is the cap, the company reuses the bottle so from an environmental standpoint it can't be beat.

I would buy and drink this for reasons 1-3 above, but reason 4 took it to the level of "I must tell the world about this!" ('The world' being the 5 people that read this blog!)

You can find it at Kroger, and I think Whole Foods. I didn't have enough time to fully peruse their website to but I think you can get home delivery too. Hudson loves this stuff, and we go through a half gallon in 2 days whereas it used to take a week or 2.

Who wants to join me on a road trip to dairy heaven/Burnt Chimney VA?

Happy milking everyone!

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