Today's pic; XM

This Friday my free trial of XM radio expires and I'm hoping Ted will give me a sweet valentine gift and renew it!
If I had to pick one all-time favorite artist it would be the one above. Bob is usually not on the radio so I had to snap a pic!
Remember a few months ago when I posted about laughing out loud? Well lately I've been getting my fix on the XM comedy channels. I especially enjoy the Comedy Channel's channel which plays recordings of stand-up routines. It's not censored and it's highly inappropriate but I find myself laughing out loud most of the time and feeling rebellious listening to it between work appointments!
I've spent time on the 80's, 90's, 00's stations and it's been fun reminiscing, especially since XM usually shows the year so I think about what I was doing when the song came out.
I do kinda miss listening to audio books but the last time I tried to upload a book there was a problem with my iTunes so that is not an option at the moment anyway. For now I'll enjoy my last week of luxurious listening!

What stations do you enjoy?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
