This sucks

What really sucks about going back to work is being exposed to exponentially more germs and not being able to get the rest we need. I'm only working part time and I still can't stay healthy. Over the last seven weeks Sadie has had a cold, ear infection and possibly stomach bugs. Hudson, Ted and I have had a cold and two stomach bugs, the colds all being at different times.
The latest stomach event started Sunday night/Monday morning, I thought I ate too much delicious/terrible food over the weekend. My stomach was so cramped up I couldn't sleep. Ted reported the same symptoms starting Monday morning. Hudson refused everything which is always a sign. Since then I've talked to others with the same symptoms and they say it lasts about 5 days: cramping, bloating, nausea, no appetite.
Being this sick this often is rare for all of us but especially Ted who probably has only been sick 5 times in the last 10 years we've been together. Parenting two young children makes it hard to get the rest you need. Especially when the littlest one has recently taken a liking to waking up every 3 hours. The pediatrician said her growth is great, and I can cut out all nighttime feedings and let her cry it out when she wakes in the night. I'm not quite fully ready for that but I have no doubt that lack of sleep is making us more susceptible to germs. This is becoming the winter of mere survival.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
