It all started last weekend when my mom gave me 3 cheese pumpkins from her volunteer garden!

We thought it was early for the season, but we googled how to know if pumpkins are ready to be picked and sure enough, they are perfect!
I cut and seeded one, cut it into about 8 chunks and steamed it in our largest pot! (I used to bake them but I found that steaming is faster and easier!)
After it cooled, I peeled and puréed what turned out to be 8 cups of pumpkin! I dusted off my pumpkin bread recipe but decided to wait until I had enough of the ingredients to make many loaves at a time! I've come to the belief that if I'm going to bother to measure, mix, dirty the kitchen I might as well make a large batch!
Yesterday I left work early, went to three stores and was set to get started!

To use all 8 cups at once I quadrupled the bread recipe. By "epic" I mean; 16 eggs, 14 cups of flour, and very large bowls! With my pregnancy brain, I was super careful to get the measurements right!
Instead of making 4 loaves, it turned out to be....

3 loaves, 32 muffins and one cake pan! Good thing we have the stand alone freezer! I really hope these turn out well!
Now what am I going to do with the other 2 pumpkins?! Oh and mom still had at least 6 others in her garden! Feel free to pass on your favorite pumpkin recipes!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
We thought it was early for the season, but we googled how to know if pumpkins are ready to be picked and sure enough, they are perfect!
I cut and seeded one, cut it into about 8 chunks and steamed it in our largest pot! (I used to bake them but I found that steaming is faster and easier!)
After it cooled, I peeled and puréed what turned out to be 8 cups of pumpkin! I dusted off my pumpkin bread recipe but decided to wait until I had enough of the ingredients to make many loaves at a time! I've come to the belief that if I'm going to bother to measure, mix, dirty the kitchen I might as well make a large batch!
Yesterday I left work early, went to three stores and was set to get started!
To use all 8 cups at once I quadrupled the bread recipe. By "epic" I mean; 16 eggs, 14 cups of flour, and very large bowls! With my pregnancy brain, I was super careful to get the measurements right!
Instead of making 4 loaves, it turned out to be....
3 loaves, 32 muffins and one cake pan! Good thing we have the stand alone freezer! I really hope these turn out well!
Now what am I going to do with the other 2 pumpkins?! Oh and mom still had at least 6 others in her garden! Feel free to pass on your favorite pumpkin recipes!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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