Medical Maladies Update

I'm happy to report the Wrist Brace for the CTS is a miracle product! I slept for 9 hours straight for the first 3 nights wearing it! Last night I woke up with some pain in my left hand so I may splurge for second brace!

In other news, the same day I bought the wrist brace and solved my own malady, Hudson was stung by a bee on his eyelid! At least this is what we assumed happened; A classmate started screaming and the teacher located 2 stings on her, and a minute later Hudson started screaming right next to her. At about this time, Ted arrived to pick Hudson up, and he was still upset 10 minutes later when they got home! We gave him a cookie and didn't do anything else about it because he wasn't complaining!
This picture was taken on Tuesday afternoon. I picked him up early because his preschool called to say he was cranky, whiny and his eye looked worse. I was happy to oblige and after I picked him up we got some children's Benadryl. The sting did not really bother Hudson although he did itch it. On Wednesday morning it was swollen shut, I called the doctor and got an 8:30 appointment. The doctor located the sting and made dosage recommendations for the Benadryl. By Friday he was almost 100%. What a trooper!
