Pregnancy Journal: Public Display

Here's what things were looking like last week, 29 weeks along. The whole pregnancy I've been comparing this time around to last time. There's been some symptoms/side affect differences, but one big difference is being pregnant in public. While I wasn't a recluse last time there's been some big difference in my exposure level!
1. Work. With Hudson I was in a kindergartner classroom, and while the kids noticed, parents were lets just say 'uninvolved', so I didn't get any attention from the kids or their parents. Which was fine. My coworkers were sweet, but in general, the attention I got on a daily basis was pretty minimal.
NOW: Now I am driving all across the counties going in and out of up to 5 homes a day, and 5 or so public bathrooms, not to mention my office where my 20 or so coworkers are. Everywhere I go, people notice, and comments are made because I come in contact with so many more people.

2. Season. With Hudson, my third trimester was December-February. When I was out and about, I was mostly wearing a big ski jacket and no one noticed I was pregnant, or if they did, it wasn't so obvious that they commented. I don't remember people commenting at all when I went to the grocery store for example.
NOW: Now, well, I'm in the south and my last trimester is July-September. I would walk around naked if it were more socially acceptable. I am so hot all the time that there is absolutely no way to wear enough clothing to hide the bump. I'm hot if it's about 60, so even the most frigid of air conditioned spaces is not enough for me to put on any additional clothing.  I also go to the pool as much as possible, where there's no hiding it, although I haven't gone bare belly, yet! I shake my head in disbelief at people wearing pants, jackets or sweaters, when I feel like I am in a sauna. All I can do is get more ice water, throw my hair up in a pony tail and hope I remembered to put on deodorant!

I don't really mind being on public display, it's just different for me. So far no one I didn't know has touched my belly, and no one's said anything outrageous. Usually the first question is "What are you having?" I say I'm not finding out, and I want to be surprised then ask what they think it is. People seem to love to put in their two cents, which I actually find amusing!

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