Babymoon: June 8-10, 2013

I don't have much time right now. We're home and back to everyday chores of life, BUT I did want to take a few minutes to share the pictures from our babymoon getaway to the Northern Neck, VA in case I don't have time to tell the whole story! 

June 8, we left home at about 10 am to drive in the pouring rain. When I say "pouring" I mean these parts of VA got 8 inches in a little over 24 hours. That is a lot of rain!

 Here's our view of the Rappahannock River.

 Using a lot of concentration, crossing the bridge in this was not quite relaxing!

We arrived about 11:30 am, drove by our rental house, and went to the Carwash Cafe for lunch. While we were at lunch, the rain stopped and did not return for the rest of our stay! Hooray! Lunch was delicious and we certainly would not have known to stop there if we hadn't gotten a personal recommendation!

After lunch we browsed the shops in Kilmarnock, certainly not something we can do with Hudson, at least not at the leisurely pace, and not for nearly 4 hours! Here are some pics of some of our favorite things.
 I LOVED this desk!
 These candles smelled delicious, I'm going to buy some online :)

Ted loved these clocks but wasn't up for paying $60 for one. If I was smart I would have snuck back in the store for a Father's Day gift, but I was in too-relaxed of a mindset to plan ahead like that!

 Felt birdhouses, pretty cool!

Loved that the thrift store organized their books. I loved even more the WAY they did it, via scrabble letters. 

Walking to dinner provided lots of examples of standing water. Dinner was at Nate's Trick Dog Cafe. We sat at the bar (because we didn't have reservations), and got to talk to some fellow travels, and eat delicious food, including the absolutely best pecan pie I've ever had. I would have gone back for more, but they are closed on Sunday and Monday!

After dinner we watch Django Unchained which we brought from home, and had no apprehension about staying up late (which I was able to do thanks to an afternoon nap!). 

June 9: I slept til 8 (glorious) and Ted til 10:30! I didn't mind him sleeping so long because I was enjoying my coffee, granola, and reading on the back porch and later on the couch! 
At about 11:30 we headed over to Dameron Marsh Natural Preserve. I wish we had brought a lunch because there was much more to explore but I was getting hungry!

 We heard Lancaster was a fun area for restaurants and antique stores, and we were about 25 minutes away. We had heard wrong because there was one restaurant, and no antique stores, just a flea market.
We went to the Lancaster Tavern which was delicious and headed to the flea market.

The flea market was cheap and entertaining. I bought Hudson a globe that supposedly lights up for $3, even if it doesn't, it was $3, and if he loves a globe as much as he loves maps, this was a big score!

This set caught my eye, enough to take a picture, not enough to actually want it!

It's amazing how flea markets and antique stores seem to go on FOREVER. Here was the last room, and I was seriously disturbed to enter, although I was brave. I did have to leave before Ted to get some fresh air. ekk!!

I was so horrified that these toys were for sale. I don't know if the picture adequately captures how totally grungy they are! I'm all about second hand but this was beyond my comfort level!

I had to take this picture after watching Django the night before. Not a direct correlation, but something about death and heads. 

We tried one more park but only walked for about 5 minutes before the path got too muddy. So much was closed on Sundays, so we heading back home for some reading and naps. We went for a long walk around the neighborhood then headed for the Thai Pot, just about the only restaurant open, good thing we like Thai food. I'm pretty sure the waiter was stoned, but the food was delicious! We spent the rest of the night reading. 

June 10. 
When I brought my breakfast out to the back deck there were some Mallards cruising in our very own standing water! We had a leisurely morning, and headed off at about 10:30. 

This was a busy Art Deco Bathroom. I guess you can wallpaper the ceiling when there's no shower. 

I'm glad I'm not any further along because I may not have fit in the kitchen. Good thing the extent of my cooking was preparing cereal and coffee!

For the house's tiny size, the owners did a great job with scaling the furniture. It was fine for us, and maybe even two more people, but after that it might feel crowded! Upstairs was a full bathroom (with a shower!) and a double bed.

It was a simple, no frills getaway but perfect for us! We got to enjoy 6 leisurely meals, strolling through shops and taking relaxing walks. Not to mention sleeping, and reading all of which are not possible or at least, not relaxing with a busy preschooler!

Special thanks to my parents who offered their time to make this possible, and came to our house to take care of Hudson. Not only did they keep him entertained, they managed to assemble Hudson's new bed, rearrange his room, line the shelves of the pantry, do our laundry and dishes and even washed their own sheets on their way out, wow!!! I guess we should skip town more often!!

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Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 28-31
Pregnancy Journal on Public Display
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Baby Moon: June 8-10
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