Surviving the flu.

I think it's hit; aches, chills, fever, nausea, general blahs!
It started this morning and my first thought is always, "Maybe I'm not really sick, maybe if I just have some breakfast..." That never works, then I think, "If I rest this morning, maybe I can go to my afternoon appointments and not take a whole day..." Then I spend hours thinking, "should I cancel this afternoon or not?" I end up canceling because still a shower and driving anywhere are scary, insurmountable thoughts. The weather is crummy so I don't feel bad not driving around in the rain for the third day in a row.
Things that have made my day better; ginger ale, ramen noodles, crackers, cheese, fruit, heating pad and most importantly, Netflix streaming. I've lost count of how many tv shows I've watched on Netflix but it is such a luxury to check out new (to me) shows, and some old standbys. I already took tomorrow off too, maybe I'll make some headway on the book I'm reading.
It's about this time of year I do not love my job, I've learned that I come in contact with way more germs in people's homes than I did at school. In the classroom I could at least control my main working environment by sanitizing everyday and making sure the kids washed their hands at least most of the time. I don't have the same level of control stepping into people's homes and sometimes they forget to tell me that someone or more than one other person has the flu or pink eye. It's also exhausting and scary driving around from house to house when not feeling the best, my worst fear is not being alert enough and having an accident. Then I would really feel like a fool for trying to work. So these days I don't mess around, if I'm less than 90% you'll find me on the couch!
BTW: I can hear my coworkers sneering, 'you didn't get the flu shot, it's your fault.' I got the flu shot for a few years but actually haven't in the last few. I do believe if you are young and healthy it's good to have your body put up a fight every once in awhile to keep it strong. I also think I'm not that important that I can't miss a few days of work. Sometimes we need to be forced to slow down. Take it easy everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
