Put your big girl rain boots on and get over it!

So I'll admit it, the weather sucks! We've been here since Wednesday afternoon, and as of now, Sunday afternoon, we have yet to see the sun. At this point we're happy with breaks in the rain. I wouldn't mind spending my week curled up on the couch with tea and a book but the reality is, there's a cabin-fevery toddler that can only be entertained in 15 minute (if even) stretches. At this point we're trying to have at least one outing a day, and spend sometime running around the slippery yard.
On Saturday we went to the Living Local Harvest Festival and enjoyed some live entertainment, homespun food and local life. Next we headed off to the flying horses carousel and then on to Offshore Ale House for lunch and beer. We rode the flying horses a few more times while Ted won Hudson a mini basketball in the arcade section. Our two hour parking was up so we headed out to a beer store and to pick up some Benadryl for Granny. We learned yesterday that you can only buy alcohol in a few parts of the island, none of which are convenient to Granny's house. I guess I've never fully paid attention to this, and I'm not entirely sure why that is!
My aunt and uncle arrived late last night and while they are a bit jet lagged its wonderful to be together. As I type this, I'm waiting in the car while Hudson sleeps and my aunt grocery shops. My uncle is making a specialty scallop dish for dinner, can't wait!(BTW I'm currently reading French Kids Eat Everything and I'm practicing "serenity and indifference" when Hudson refuses to try a food! I'll keep you posted in how this works!)


  1. Yummmmm!! I'll bet it was delish. Had to smile at "serenity and indifference" --- I know I have situations where that would be a great response. Putting it into practice might not be so easy though.


  2. Thanks for your comments P! I hope the phrase has served you well this week!

  3. Thanks for your comments P! I hope the phrase has served you well this week!


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