Alpacas and sweet potato fries

We had a smooth crossing, Hudson and I had fun in the deck looking at all of the buoys and the occasional sailboat, it was mighty windy, and the water was choppy. Unless it raining, I can't seem to stay inside on the ferry!
Granny greeted us at Oak Bluffs and we had a tasty lunch at Linda Jeans, one of Granny's favorites.
We stopped at the library to pick up some videos for Hudson and a few for us. We also got Hudson a few kids books. Then off to home where we were all desperate to take naps! We had a lovely dinner of lasagna then off to bed early!
Today we decided to check out the local Alpaca farm and had lunch at Farm Neck Golf Course, another favorite for Granny. It was mighty good! We've had sweet potato fries both days at lunch and they were exceptionally good both days, sounds like I need to ramp up/start my exercise routine if this is going to continue!
Now it's nap/movie/reading time!
I hope your Thursday is off to a food start too!
