Sunday Projects

Hudson's art corner. There are a few details of note here; 1. I used the power drill, successfully. 2. Hudson made the corkboard with the paint on it. 3. This is a tiny, tiny fraction of the amount of art he brings home each week. 4. You can actually see the table top for the first time in about 4 months!

I've wanted to establish a better way to display his art. He's so proud of it, and I'm proud of him, but good grief, the projects take over in a second. I try to pick one each month to save and date, a few to display and the rest goes in the trash, gasp! I feel bad, and I whisper an "I'm sorry" each time, but I'm trying so hard to not let clutter build up! I'm hoping he'll use the white board for some artistic expressions, he used to draw and can draw semi-recognizable forms, but most of the time he just scribbles, and I think it's out of laziness.

The art display still looks more cluttered for my taste, but I wanted to make sure he picked out what he wanted to display, and he pinned them up himself, so I'm okay with it!!

Not pictured is the book shelf on the opposite side of the room. He already has four bins of toys, but I cleared 3 more cubbies for him, and labeled one bin "Art" and one "puzzles." Now we're going to work on taking out one bin at a time, and putting things back where they belong. Most of the time the table and floor are covered with crap and I struggled to come up with any way to organize it. Hopefully he'll feel a little more inspired in a clean, organized space!

Also not pictured is a "teacher box" that I am going to store above the fridge. Some educational toys and work books (thanks to 5 years in the classroom!) and some extra cool stickers for a treat. I want to try to work with Hudson about 20 minutes a day on writing letters and numbers, thinking critically, drawing forms and in general focusing. I'm not an extremist that wants him reading, I just want him to be progressing, and I'm not really seeing as much progression each day like I did when he was acquiring letters, numbers, shapes and colors. I'm going to try to do this right when we get home. We can have a snack, a drink, some time together, then he can play while I make dinner.

Hudson's new curtains and hold-backs.Yes we already had black-out blinds, but sometimes they are not enough. We don't remember this being a problem last summer so we're thinking the tree that feel on our house last August actually took some shade with it. Hudson room is almost bright enough to read with the blinds down, when we're trying to put him down at 7/7:30. I got these single panel Black-out curtains at Walmart for about $12 each. The packaging even says something like, "Kids need lots of sleep, and you need for them to get lots of sleep!" Amen!! I got some standard white hooks for holding them back during the day, and voila, a little more style, and a lot more sleep. (As you can see, I didn't bother cleaning up for the picture, it's like you're really there!)

Hudson actually wanted to help with these projects, and legitimately tried! All of the organizing was done after hours, it's just so much easier to concentrate that way! Can't wait to get home tonight and show him his "new" table and toy bins!

Hope you had a feel-good weekend too!
