Resolution Update

Since my resolutions were all set for "monthly" action, I thought I'd really hold myself accountable by updating you each month with how I've been doing.
1. Slacked! No dinner party, BUT I did host book club, a game night and Ted hosted eight friends for a football game. We also have my mother in law over for dinner about every other week, so I don't feel like a total failure. I'm cutting myself some slack here since I just started a new job and am now working about 60 hours a week. We'll see if it happens in February!
2. Accomplished! I'm pretty sure I did this, let me know if you emailed me and I didn't reply! I tried to stay focused when at the computer, as a result I have not been keeping up with reading blogs like I used to, but I'm at least trying to keep up with emails and my blog.
3. I'm a terrible person, I did call my Grandma Millie, but the other two I did not call, and there is just no excuse.
4. I did get a haircut, but that was not a stretch! A stretch for me would be getting a manicure or facial since I never do those things. I did paint my nails during a movie last week, so I feel half good about that!
5. Accomplished! I got the Jeep washed, our 1982 GMC and my Maxima which we're getting ready to donate this month! Woohoo!
All in all, not bad, how was your month of resolutions?
