Momma Musings: Co-sleeping with a Toddler

A funny thing happened this weekend, we went to stay with my parents, and we hadn't been there in 8 months. The port-a-crib was not going to cut it anymore, so my Mom made up the twin bed, complete with my old Smurf sheets. How 20+ year old sheets are still in good shape, I have no idea. Anyway, Hudson wanted NO PART of the bed, which he made very clear. Ted volunteered to sleep in the Smurf bed, and Hudson and I would share the Full bed--I knew this was not going to go well. When we're in the same room he does not sleep well, and as a result neither do we. I didn't think sharing a bed would be any better. Here's how my hot Saturday night went down.

8PM put Hudson to bed, he did not cry, climbed right in, and fortunately we didn't hear any thumps.

9:45 PM I move him from the bottom corner of the bed, back up to the top of the bed. He seemed restless, but didn't start up a conversation. I get in bed (yes, earlier than normal, but I kind of guessed I would not be getting a full night's sleep.)
11:45 PM I feel clawing on my pajamas, "Mommy? Daddy? Mommy? Daddy?" [What? He can't tell us apart, unless he undresses us?]
Me: It's mommy honey, time to sleep.
Hudson: You have flowers on your pajamas.
Me: Yes honey, time to sleep.

Hudson: Mommy where's the Jeep? I see Pop Pop's car, but where's the Jeep? I see it! There it is!
Me: Yes Honey, there's the Jeep and Pop Pop's car, time to sleep.
Hudson: [still looking out the window which is at the head of the bed.] Oh there's Grandma Sue's car too!!
Me: It's not time to look out the window it's time sleep.

Hudson: Mommy, I need to go poo poo.
Me: OK let's go. [Did I really have a choice here? We went and he did.]

Hudson: Mommy, I need to go pee pee.
Me: [Damn it, you didn't go pee pee 20 minutes ago when we were up?] OK let's go.

Hudson: Mommy, I need some dinner.
Me: [Just so you dear readers know, he had dinner!] OK I'll get you a banana and then you need to go right back to sleep.

Hudson: Is this your hair mommy? [As he's pawing at my hear.]
Me: [Dear God Child, can I get two hours please?]

Oh boy, the funniest part was he woke up bright-eyed and bushy tailed and I was just marveling at how, or why!

Oh and I forgot to add how throughout the night he asked where was Daddy. It crossed my mind several times to go switch up with Daddy, but then I thought better of it, and decided I'd rather Ted do all the driving on Sunday than for me get a few more hours of sleep. Really, I figured I'd be cranky either way, and at least this time he won't give me a hard time about having 2 cups of coffee.

In two weeks we'll be sharing a bed in a hotel room, I better warn my travel companions, I, not my toddler, am going to be cranky during the trip!


  1. oh Monie, poor thing! I feel your pain... my kids always want to sleep sideways in the bed, kicking us in the ribs. The only time we've done it is in hotels, and it's always bad news. They can't get to sleep when we're all in one room, either. One time Tristan actually threw up in the hotel bed from laughing so hard, then crying so hard (he was overtired). Then we had to strip the bed, call for a change of sheets, and I was doing damage control trying to clean the mattress and giving him a bath at midnight. Ian was traumatized and wouldn't share a bed with Tristan anymore (don't blame him)! See, it could be worse! ;)
    Try to be firm with those middle-of-the-night wakeups! I don't give them any food and only one drink. Sorry kid, morning will be here soon enough. You can't argue with the bladder, though!

  2. Yikes! Does that bring back memories. Hang on .. they do grow up!


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