Mantra Monday: Finding the Silver Lining

If I had to pick one core value that I try to abide by on a constant, daily basis, it’s looking for and celebrating the silver lining of a situation. I feel like it’s the only way to stay positive and not let anything get you down for too long. I’m not going to pretend that I am always sunny, or that nothing bothers me. When setbacks occur I try to move forward and see what I can do about it, or at least what lessons have I gleaned from it. It’s not always easy but it’s something to focus on and keep an overall positive perspective. The positive of not having heat for three months? We saved on power bills, and we appreciate heat so much more. The positive of not getting pregnant with 10+ months of trying? It’s bringing my husband and I closer and it makes me all the more grateful for our son. The positive of the new job not turning out exactly the way I had envisioned? I’m being challenged to look deeper at what I can do to change the situation, and it makes me so much more grateful when I do get to work.

There are everyday setbacks like an appointment is cancelled on arrival, or I spill coffee all over my pants, and what then? Sometimes I go shopping with the “gift of time,” sometimes I reflect on if I can do something differently to prevent the situation from happening again and sometimes all you can do is toss up my hands and say ‘oh well.’ I often find myself starting sentences, “Next time…” that’s another way I keep it positive by always looking forward. There are people in my family that I feel like have a hard time rolling with the punches or accepting that we actually have very little control over our environment. I feel sorry for them because s&*t happens every day so it is easy to be disappointed or frustrated often.

I don’t want to leave too rosy of a glow here, I think it is important to have emotion, passion and interests. And with emotion, passion and interest comes great joy and great pain—some people seem so even keeled that you wonder if they are feeling anything. Some people are more sensitive than others, and those that don’t appear to be affected are probably simply consumed with something else. Sometimes I look inward and sometimes I look outward for support and understanding but in the end, it’s all about how you interpret your own situations and how you can make peace with them.
