I'm back!

Oh boy it's been a busy two weeks. First of all my Grandma moved in with us officially! She arrived December 8, and it took only two weeks for her to be the sickest of her life, according to her. That is saying a lot considering she is 85ish :( She has a few infections so I introduced her to the wonders of the vaporizer and we take turns bringing her food or drinks. Fortunately my aunt Pam is keeping up with all of her meds and helping her stay on top of everything. Is it the germs of living in a house with four other people for the first time in 50 plus years? Is it the stress of her 100+ Christmas cards? Is it the new germs of Virginia? Who knows! Maybe all three!Whatever it was that got her sick, hopefully she'll be 100% soon and up for doing more shopping!
In addition to Granny being sick, Hudson is now sick with some kind of coughing, congestion, fever thing. I was sick for a day last week, but for me, getting sick usually means I sleep. I slept for 30 hours and otherwise didn't suffer too greatly. Pam's the only one that's stayed 100% healthy, so we're watching her very carefully.
Then there was Christmas and all of the excitement there. We were so excited this year for Hudson to experience Christmas, but the funny part was, it was almost tortuous for him! He wanted to go off and play with each new toy, and we just kept pushing him to open the rest!  This was mostly because we decided to only get gifts for the kids this year, although in my house, we all did stockings. All in all I think he was glad when we were finally going home and he could have some quiet and some sleep (especially since he was already starting to get sick :( ).
Work is plugging along although I've had many cancellations of the last 4 weeks from people being sick. First it's the kid, then it's the mom, or vice versa. What stinks is I don't get paid when there are cancellations, so I need to make them up. For now, I'll enjoy the gifts of time and try not to spend money during them ;)
In other news, I made some updates to the construction page, and I'll have some time tomorrow to take more pictures.
I'll be back on track soon with my regular posts, and I'm mulling over my New Year's Resolutions, which I will bravely foolishly post. I hope you are slowing down this week!
