Log of Demolition and Rebuilding.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011
8 AM Dumpster arrives and shortly after that the masons. Later, the port-a-potty. there's lots of banging and crashing.
We moved EVERYTHING out of the living room on Wednesday night so that it wouldn't get dusty or be in the way.
Thursday, December 1, 7:30 AM Good morning, time to start chipping away for the next 9 hours.
Ready to bust through, about 1:30 PM |
Living room; tarped, padded, playwood and more tarp. |
An actual zipper is on the tarp, so fancy! |
Top right corner was the first brick to fall. |
Making progress |
Lots of materials |
1 of 2 pallet sized bags of mortar powder. |
Top interior row is out. |
About this time the most exciting part of the day unraveled. Something to the sequence of; too much dust set off the fire alarm, fire alarm set off alarm system, I entered our code but when the company called, they wanted a different code (but they didn't tell me this even though I explained the situation.) A few minutes later the fire department called, I once again explained the situation, and stated we do not need to be rescued. A minute later my brother in law called, the alarm company called him since I gave the wrong code. He called to inform the fire department is on the way. While on the phone, the fire engine did come, I tried to explain the situation without sounding like an idiot. I don't think I succeed. Fortunately it did not go off again, and hopefully this is then of our dustiest times.
There's the gaping chilly hole! |
Inside the dumpster |
Our living room at ending time. |
Dust is on everything outside! |
What a mess! |
So thoughtful of them to match the portapotty to the house! |
Tonight is going to be extra chilly with no heat downstairs and a big hole in the wall. Fortunately it is tarped and covered with plywood. See you tomorrow at 7:30 AM! I just hope they seal it up for the weekend. Which reminds me, I need to ask if they are coming on Saturday too!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Today was quiet but still very busy! The crew was here from about 7:30-4:30. They finished the brick work inside, and almost finished outside. When they started the ground was still frozen, I'm glad it warmed up to the 60's during the day for them (and for us, since they were in and out all day! I didn't take any pictures inside, opps!
The original mortar was lighter so they are going to grind out all of it below and put in matching grout. |
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday, 8:00 to 3:30 |
The construction company scheduled the Fire Inspector for Monday, December 5, which gave them a tight deadline. They thought they would only be working for 2 hours or so on Saturday to finish up to the first floor window. When they arrived though, the chief noticed a cosmetic fix which required taking out about 5 rows of bricks and redoing it! I felt sorry for them, but it seems like everything has been going so smoothly, there just has to be a hang up somewhere! They are taking Sunday and Monday off, which will work out perfectly because we are FINALLY having our heat pump installed on Monday. I say finally because good grief it is getting old coming downstairs to 50 degrees in the morning. "Cozy for the Holidays" will have a whole new meaning! (On a side note, it's funny that just before Christmas last year we didn't have heat downstairs for over a week because of an electrical issue that the inept home warranty company was not listening when we told them the issue! Grr! That was frustrating but we were glad we had the fire place to provide some heat. Soon we'll have the fireplace and a electric room heater should we have any issues with our Brand New Unit!)
Monday, December 5, 2011
The masons were here today, which was unexpected, the fireplace passed inspection. The heat pump could not be installed because a.) technician did not want masons working above him, b.) no clear path for the dolly to get through c.) according to the mason, "He looked like he just didn't want to work." This is probably my most aggravated state because I've thought and felt about not having heat for a month now, and it's starting to make me cranky. Rain is the forecast which apparently threatens both the masons and electrician's work. At least we know two things are happening tomorrow; carpenters are coming to work inside on the trim, molding and mantle AND the rest of our house is getting cleaned and read for three house guests arriving late Wednesday night. I just really hope their is heat for them too!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Today was drama-filled! Oh Contractors can just be just as sensitive and snippy as the rest of the world apparently! After my phone conversations yesterday with the heat pump people, I wanted to call and confirm our appointment. And if I got the impression they are not going to come, I would call the masons and let them know they do not have to stop at noon. I was also prepared to tell heat pump people if they don't want the job, I can find someone else that would like our $3200.After confirming with them I called the head mason. Since he wasn't at the house when I left for work, I wanted to re-stress the importance of having a clear path for the heat pump. When I told the four masons this morning, they were less than receptive so I wanted to stress it to the boss, so he could stress it to his employees. I left a long Voice Mail, and when I called the house later, Pam reported the path was being cleared, so the point got through one way or another.
At 11:30, I got a call from the Heat Pump People saying, their guys were there and they were told by our workers to go home! Mama Drama! The Heat Pump Person that was on the phone with me was not at the site, he acknowledged that his crew was there early. I confirmed that all of the other conditions were accepted for installation to happen today. I said please have your guys stay and wait til noon. When asked by Pam, who told them to go away, no one owned up. Did it even happen? Such silliness! As it happened, the heat pump was installed at noon and tested, and afterwards the masons got back to work til about 3 when it actually started raining.
Meanwhile a carpenter was here measuring and sawing molding. He needed a picture of the mantle, and did I have one, because he can't find the pieces in the dumpster. "Of course!" I said, "let me print them for you." (I say, as I just got home, and have not had lunch yet, 2 PM.) As it turns out, no, I do not have any pictures of the mantle, all of my hurricane pictures are close ups so I search through album after album hoping to find a picture with clear detail of the mantle. Pam comes through again with one taken the day after we moved in. The carpenter worked til about 3.
In other news, the lead contractor (I don't know his real title, the guy that coordinates everything) said they are going to be repainting the whole living room, ceiling, and part of the upstairs, and do we want different colors. Sweet! Yes the house had a new coat of paint when we moved in 1.5 years ago, but it is all in flat and has not been holding up well. Besides, the colors are all so neutral, none of them pop. I really hadn't thought at all about what I might want though, it was so low on the priority list and certainly would not pass the "do we need it" Ted test. This is such a bonus! I stopped at Lowe's and picked up an armful of samples and a Poinsetta for the spirit of things!
Behold the new Trane! |
Our new fireplace! |
Almost to the top |
Over dinner Pam and I picked out our choices for paint and AMAZINGLY Ted agreed! I thought for sure it would be a compromise somewhere or he was biting his tongue hard but no, he said he liked it!
For Wainscoting, below the chair rail. |
Above the chair rail. |
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Today was very quiet. Due to rain in the forecast, the masons would not be coming today. Our only visitor was the carpenter. He set up a tent in the front yard for his saw, and successfully crafted and hung a new mantle. The old one ended up in multiple pieces when it was being removed. The new one is different, but I'm sure I'll grow to like it. It will be stained by the paint crew at some point. The carpenter was leaving right when I got home at about 2 PM.
Close up of the new mantle. |
New mantle and new crown molding. |
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Today the mason crew was here all day and "finished"! They are coming back on Saturday to power wash the outside. The chimney does not look as tall as it was, which is fine, but code says it needs to be two feet above the peak, and from most angles it does not look that high. I'm sure someone needs to inspect it, so we'll see. I called the construction company, and they said painters will not be here until December 15, at the earliest, so we moved our furniture back and are happy to somewhat normal for a few days at least!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Today was quiet, no activity, it was nice to NOT hear banging! Pictures later this weekend!
Saturday - Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Saturday one of the mason workers came and cleaned up for awhile. Working by himself, I wonder if he liked working alone. After that, nothing has happened and we were fine with a little break. I emailed the foreman for some updates and the roofers will be here tomorrow. (Sorry I still need to take pictures!)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The roofing crew came and went in 3-4 hours, I'm sure they did a good job, well I just assume they did and there will be no leaks! They were very courteous and polite, they even offered to carry my things for me--I must have looked like a mess carrying everything from my car up the driveway!
Monday, December 19, 2011
The mason crew came back to fill in the yard (yes that makes sense!), lay down grass seed and hay. They took down their scaffolding and finished clean up. These guys are so courteous they carried the port a potty to our driveway so that the yard wouldn't be messed up again. Carried it by hand, I know they are not very heavy, but that was so nice of them! The guy did not come in and wire brush the bottom bricks. Ted called him the next day and decided he is so nice he wants to get him a gift card! I was so moved by Ted's holiday spirit, I tried not to say how silly that sounded!
I think this looks better than the giant ruts. |
This look so much better than the last 4 months! |
Friday, December 23, 2011
The dumpster is gone! Wahoo!! Very excited about this since I had to SQUEEZE past it at least 2 times a day for the last three weeks.Unfortunately it left 4 grooves in the driveway which hopefully will be repaired.I regret not getting a picture of the full dumpster, it was packed to the top!
Monday, December 26, 2011
The port a potty is gone!Yahoo! Do I regret not ever using it? No, I do not!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Paint crew comes and paints the ceiling from the living room through the kitchen. Why did they paint the ceiling? Because there were about 8 screws in the ceiling from where the tarp was. Can you beleive they painted about 200 square feet just so that there wouldn't be patch marks? AND they put three coats on! Apparently it is a brighter white than before, but I felt bad saying I couldn't tell the difference. Maybe on a sunny day I'll be able to tell! The also patched the cracks upstairs and downstairs. Tomorrow they are coming back with color!
Problem of the day; the ceiling crumbled when the touched it. This was over our range, they think from steam and grease. |
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Today they painted the living room. The red was iffy. First they had to go back to the store to get a tinted primer. He thought the base coat was dark enough but it looked like crap and he said we only get three coats of paint. Red, he said, is the hardest color to work with and it can take many coats to look good. The primer was a lovely dark grey, the next two coats were iffy. We weren't sure if it was really going to look ok or if we should pay out of pocket for more coats. In the end we think it it looks just fine!
we love the red! |
yeah color! |
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The painters worked upstairs and downstairs today. Upstairs there were four cracks to seal and then paint over. It was all white upstairs mostly on the ceiling. I was very excited that the painter took down a rouge Christmas candle that has been in our foyer window since we moved in. Now I love the look of candles in every window but we couldn't turn it on, and didn't have a ladder tall enough to get it, so boy did that erk me, all year long! Downstairs they finished the chair rail and moldings.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Today the mantle was sealed, so that is all finished. The painters worked mostly outside today, they need to paint the entire side of the house where the work was done. This is mostly because of screw holes from the tarp. When they went to match the paint, they learned that 2 surfaces of our house have a different color than the others. Of course this was after they bought the paint. The difference is not obvious but it was when they started painting apparently. these guys are probably tired of our house! In other news the week has been an interesting one because Ted was off, and planned on studying, but instead he mostly took care of Hudson who has been home sick nearly all week. Granny has also been sick. Today, everyone was up for some rug shopping and they hit the ball out of the park (I was working!).
New paint and rug! |
Check back for tomorrow's updates
Hurricane Irene: Before the Storm
Hurricane Irene: Hit! Saturday, August 27, 2011
The two days after the storm
The weeks and months after the storm (link coming soon!)
Surviving without climate control for three months (link coming soon!)
Let the demo begin (This page)
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